Background/history Videokunstarkivet (The Norwegian Video Art Archive) is a pilot project initiated by Arts Council Norwayin 2011. The archive is being developed byPNEK(Production
Network for Electronic Art) in the years 2012-2016, after which the
project will develop into a permanent structure (pending).
The pilot project consists of several elements:
Mapping and collection of all video/film/media artworks that is produced in Norway since the mid-1960s.
Development of a solid database tool (DAM), built on open technology standards.
Creation of a user-friendly interface for the database.
Digitization of older physical formats to uncompressed digital files.
Management of secure user/access levels to the database.
Archiving old cassettes and playback equipment.
Research and solid foundation to academic standards.
Communication with both professionals and the general public.
Terminology By Archive Tool
we mean the interface towards the administrative and external users of
Videokunstarkivet and which is tailor-made to the requirements of the
project. Development and adjustments include functionalities,
workflows, access levels and design and has been developed by Toxus in
collaboration with PNEK and Norgesfilm.
Archive Tool builds upon the functionality of ResourceSpace[2],
the open source DAM software used as the background platform for
Videokunstarkivet. The purpose of the software is to have a solid base
for storing, organizing, sharing and distributing digital assets that
complies with the most common requirements and standards within public
sector regarding archiving, integrations and development across
different academic systems and environments.
Archive Tool Archive Tool[3]
was initially developed for adding a better layout for different users
of the video art database. These users/groups (e.g. admin, artists,
research, general audience) all have different access levels,
administered in detail through the administrative interface. Archive
Tool also features several additional functions such as:
Completely new layout and presentation of Artists and Artworks.
New search/presentation of Artworks and Artists.
system. As a moderator you have full control of changes in metadata and
you can rollback several changes in time. View changes per time or per
Manager. Lets you design new groups with rights and fields view, add
new subgroups to parents groups, inherit or degrade rights.
Transcoder queue.
Upload large masterfiles with standard FTP and use queue manager to archive master files
and transcode the files. This gives the possibility to add several
files to the transcoding queue and they are handled one at the time.
Lets you design and export your own reports and statistics on the fly,
based on a combination of elements/meta tags in the database.
Filesharing, distribution and security management (artworks/master files/ additional files/metadata).